Stonecrest Kids Summer Blast 2024

Tuesday August 20th thru Thursday August 22nd

Welcome to Stonecrest Summer Blast  2024. This is an evening camp program where kids have tons of fun and learn about God together! This year’s theme is Chosen.  Kids will learn through the stories of Moses, Deborah, and King Hezekiah that Jesus is the Redeemer who sets me free, Jesus is the Righteous Judge who fights my battles, and Jesus is the Risen King who is coming again.

What do we do at Summer Blast?
Worship Rally - We meet together in a large group. We sing worship songs, meet fun drama characters, and learn the topic of the day.
Bible Time - Students will meet with their age group and Crew Leader/Bible Teacher. They will learn a different Bible story each day.
Rotations - Students will rotate through different stations  throughout the  church! These include Crafts, Snacks, and Games

What ages are welcome to attend Summer Blast? 
Pre-K (age 4 by 9/30/2024) through students who  just completed 5th grade

What is the cost to attend?
Attending SummerBlast is free, but we suggest a contribution of $10 per child to help support the event. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

Can I invite friends and neighbors? 
Absolutely! We would love for you to bring friends along to Summer Blast.

Online Registration is now closed.  Walk-in registration is available.