The only pure motive for our spiritual disciplines is the motive of loving obedience to God. This series will help us build rhythmic practices in which the Spirit of God leads us as we journey toward wholeness in Christ. By engaging in these rhythms, we POSITION ourselves for the MORE from God. These disciplines become a rhythm of stopping, resting, delighting, and reflecting in the presence of God in the “secret places” of our lives. You may find that you gravitate to certain disciplines or practices. This series is designed for you to explore how you best rest in the presence of God.
On this page you will find: Spotify playlist with songs curated with the series in mind, weekly devotionals, and an archive of the sermons.
We also have a Facebook group for discussing and sharing throughout the week.
Additionally, one of our staff will host a Facebook Live every Tuesday at 8pm via our Stonecrest Facebook. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @stonecrestcc!