40 Days of Prayer Guide: January 13

Week 2: Deeply Formed (January 12-18)
God invites us into wholistic and healthy rhythms that transform every part of our lives. This week, we’ll explore what it means to grow deeper in our walk with Him, tending to the healing and health of our souls. By abiding in Jesus, we’ll learn to live, work, and rest from a place of abundance, pursuing wholeness in spiritual, emotional, relational, and every area of life. Join us as we seek Jesus for ourselves and allow Him to renew us from the inside out. Don’t miss our worship and prayer gathering this Wednesday from 6:30–8:00 PM.

Pray about how you will step into "The Way", our next series, after the 40 Days of Prayer.  For more information and interest form, click here.

Monday, January 13:
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11-13
Prayer Prompt: Seek God with your whole heart. Ask Him to reveal areas in your life needing transformation and healing.
Cru: Pray for Anna Leong’s ministry that resources  college campus ministries to lead students to encounter Jesus and grow in their faith.

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