Psalm 8
Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory in the heavens.
Psalm 8:1
Recently I saw a quarantine meme on Facebook that made me laugh. The meme listed the days of the week but crossed off the first half:
I laughed because it’s funny, sad, and true. In these days of quarantine and coronavirus, the days of the week seem to blend together. We are facing new obstacles and new norms that are hard and challenging for us as a country and as a world. In days like these it’s hard to see and know where God is in our present situation.
When I read Psalm 8:1, I am reminded of when Jesus is with His disciples during a storm and he is found sleeping (Matthew 8:23-27). The disciples get scared and cry out to Jesus. Jesus calms the storm and He calls them out on having little faith.
Friends, sometimes in the storm or in this new normal of our lives the difficulties that we face may challenge the truth that God is always with us. However, in verse Psalm 8:1, David writes that the glory or splendor of the Lord is set in the skies. In other words, His handiwork is not hidden from our sight and neither is His Presence.
If there is ever a moment that you struggle to remember or sense to know that God is with you, for you, loves you, and is all-powerful, take a moment to look up at the skies and be reminded. Displays of His love and glory are visible for all to see.
Prayer and Action Points:
You have set your glory in the heavens.
Psalm 8:1
Recently I saw a quarantine meme on Facebook that made me laugh. The meme listed the days of the week but crossed off the first half:
I laughed because it’s funny, sad, and true. In these days of quarantine and coronavirus, the days of the week seem to blend together. We are facing new obstacles and new norms that are hard and challenging for us as a country and as a world. In days like these it’s hard to see and know where God is in our present situation.
When I read Psalm 8:1, I am reminded of when Jesus is with His disciples during a storm and he is found sleeping (Matthew 8:23-27). The disciples get scared and cry out to Jesus. Jesus calms the storm and He calls them out on having little faith.
Friends, sometimes in the storm or in this new normal of our lives the difficulties that we face may challenge the truth that God is always with us. However, in verse Psalm 8:1, David writes that the glory or splendor of the Lord is set in the skies. In other words, His handiwork is not hidden from our sight and neither is His Presence.
If there is ever a moment that you struggle to remember or sense to know that God is with you, for you, loves you, and is all-powerful, take a moment to look up at the skies and be reminded. Displays of His love and glory are visible for all to see.
Prayer and Action Points:
- Take a minute to sit or stand outside and look up. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself as you observe His creation.
- Read all of Psalm 8
- Thank Him for His creation and for how He has made visible His splendor to you.
Posted in Walking with Psalms
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