Day 7 God is Immanent

Day 7: God is Immanent

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. - Psalm 34:18

The word “immanent” in its simplest form means “involved.” God is involved in the day to day intricacies of our lives. There’s not a moment that goes by that He doesn’t see. Although He is transcendent and above us, He is also near. Doesn’t that fascinate you? Just think about it for a moment. He can be both beyond our human reasoning, wondrously amazing, yet intricately involved and intimately aware of our stories, lives, thoughts, etc. and of the entire world! So when things come along that test and try us, remember that He is with you. He knows you and His ways and solutions fit perfectly to what you need, even if they don’t make sense to us.

Suggested Guided Prayer Focuses:
  • Father, I thank You that You are near to me. Although You are truly beyond my human ability to comprehend, it’s within Your nature to know me better than I know myself. In this coming year, help me to know the nearness of Your presence. I thank You for Your faithfulness and I trust You with the outcome.
  • Father, show me how You’ve been involved in my life, especially the times I don’t see it. Wait on the Lord and write down anything you sense, hear, see, etc. Thank Him for the ways you’ve seen God move in your life.

Action Steps:
  • Identify who in your life needs to know God’s nearness. Ask the Lord where and how He is near to them, write down your answer and pray that God would reveal Himself to them in that particular area.
  • Show that person some love and spend time with them in the ways they need it. This could be just a listening ear over coffee, or someone to watch Netflix with. Whatever the case, just “be” with them in a way that communicates God’s nearness.
  • Listen to the song, “Draw Near,” by Jeremy Riddle. Meditate on those words and see how the Lord speaks to you.

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