As we begin 2025, join us in 40 Days of Prayer for ourselves, our church, and the world as we: Encounter Jesus, are Deeply Formed, are Better Together and Sent to Bless.

Our Sunday sermon series will be focused on these 40 Days of Prayer.
During each week, we will share resources for your own prayer journey during this time as well as gather on Wednesday nights for Prayer and Worship.
Check back for more 40 Days of Prayer Resources and devotional series.
Please share any prayer requests you may have at the bottom of this page.

Wednesday Nights of Prayer and Worship

Join us for nights of prayer and worship from 6:30-8:00pm on January 9, 15, 22, and 29.  Click to email Pastor Joe if you need childcare for PreK and under.

The Way

As mentioned in the January 12 sermon, "The Way", will be our lent series kicking off after the 40 days of Prayer.  All are invited to "Practicing the Way" small groups that will happen in various ways including Wednesday night gatherings beginning on February 5.

Encounter Jesus: Week 1 Resources

These are resources and guides that were shared during the January 6 sermon on Encounter Jesus.

Bible Reading Plans

  • YouVersion Bible App: daily and yearly reading plans
  • - guided journey through the Bible
  • The Bible Recap: - podcast and reading plan
  • Bible in a Year by Alpha: - walks you through scripture daily

Testing What We Hear

How can we know it's truly God speaking?
  • Affirming: Does the word strengthen, encourage, or comfort? (1 Corinthians 14:3)
  • Biblical: Does it align with scripture?  God's Rhema word will never contradict His Logos.
  • Christ-Centered: Does it draw you closer to Jesus and help you take your next steps toward Him.

Understanding Scripture

  • Consecrate in Prayer: Begin with humility and surrender, asking the Holy Spirit to guide you and illuminate His Word.
  • Context is Crucial: Dive into the historical and cultural background.  Why was this written?  Who was the author addressing.
  • Consider How It's Written: Identify the purpose, literary style, and key language.  What was the author's intent?
  • Compare with Scripture: Let Scripture interpret Scripture.  Consider how the passage fits into the chapter, the book, and the grand narrative of the Bible.
  • Community Matters: Study in groups, learn from church history, and engage with trusted biblical scholars for a higher understanding.

Deeply Formed:  Week 2 Resources

These are Deeply Formed rhythms that were shared during the January 12 sermon.


Allowing God’s Word to shape our lives.


Cultivating rhythms that align with His will.


Growing together with other believers.

The Holy Spirit

Depending on His power to transform us


Embracing trials as opportunities for growth.


Trusting the slow and steady work of God.